Human resources
Over 3,200 employees
The tireless work of over 3,200 employees is the heart of Viva Fresh's success. The Human Resources Department has a key role to play in building a motivating, collaborative and proactive corporate culture. This department, through training, development programs, professional academy and unified communication network, seeks to reach the goals of the company. As "Viva Fresh", we are a big family that builds our differences into corporate diversity and harmony! Our corporate culture is built on the premises of Human Rights, so we aspire and support equal work opportunities and development.

Success in life requires three factors: Care, order and hard work.

21 05 2021



21 05 2021

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In seeking to reach our goals for the future, “Viva Fresh” has invested in the development and empowerment of employees. During 2019 alone, over 376 training sessions were organized for 2912 employees. The company organizes over 10 internal training, as well as offers professional training in cooperation with national and international institutions.
Training Center
Founded in 2018, the training center “Viva Fresh” identifies opportunities for staff development and holds advanced training up to the international level. With a capacity of 400 seats and 500 m2 of space, the training center has 14 trainers certified by GIZ.

Purpose in life and future
Success at work and happiness are important to us, so in the training held at the Logistics Center, new standards have been set in communication, in setting clear goals and in involving employees in the corporate mission in elevating and inspiring people.

Cooperation with external institutions and organizations
“Viva Fresh” has built cooperation with external public and private institutions, in the development and training of future employees. We fight against any form of discrimination and seek to build inclusive corporate ethics and culture.
Some of the cooperating institutions are GIZZ, VORAE, IOM, CSR, Kosovo Employment Office, Malisheva Competence Center, Prizren Competence Center, and Deçan Vocational School.